2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Lineup


2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Lineup

Get ready for a musical journey through the ages as the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival unveils its lineup, promising an unparalleled celebration of culture, heritage, and groove. This iconic festival is a melting pot of musical genres, where jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, and more converge in a vibrant showcase of New Orleans’ rich musical traditions.

With over 40 stages scattered across the picturesque Fair Grounds Race Course, the festival transports attendees to a musical wonderland where they can groove to the sounds of legendary artists and rising stars alike. From intimate performances in cozy tents to electrifying sets on massive stages, the festival offers an unforgettable experience for music lovers of all stripes.

As the festival’s lineup takes shape, rumors and speculations swirl among eager fans and critics. Whispers of some of the biggest names in music grace the festival’s stages, while hidden gems and local favorites promise to deliver unforgettable performances.

2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival Lineup

Prepare for a musical extravaganza!

  • Legends and Rising Stars: A harmonious blend of established icons and emerging talents.
  • Genre-Bending Fusion: Jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, and more converge in a musical melting pot.
  • 40+ Stages of Delight: Diverse venues cater to every musical taste.
  • Fair Grounds Race Course: A picturesque backdrop for a festival like no other.
  • Cultural Immersion: Experience New Orleans’ rich heritage through music, food, and art.
  • Local Treasures: Discover hidden gems and celebrate local favorites.
  • Global Rhythms: A platform for international artists to showcase their unique sounds.
  • Culinary Delights: Savor the flavors of New Orleans’ renowned cuisine.
  • Unforgettable Moments: Create memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Community Spirit: A celebration that brings people together through the power of music.

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of musical diversity and cultural exploration. Get ready for a festival experience that will leave you humming, dancing, and craving more.

Legends and Rising Stars: A harmonious blend of established icons and emerging talents.

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival lineup promises a captivating blend of legendary artists and rising stars, each bringing their unique talents and styles to the festival’s stages.

  • Established Icons:

    Experience the timeless artistry of legendary musicians who have shaped the music industry. From jazz masters to blues icons and R&B pioneers, these performers are living legends, captivating audiences with their enduring talent and unforgettable hits.

  • Contemporary Innovators:

    Discover the next generation of musical innovators, pushing boundaries and creating new sounds. These rising stars are making waves in the music scene, showcasing their unique perspectives and fresh takes on various genres.

  • Genre-Bending Collaborations:

    Witness the magic that happens when established icons and rising stars come together on stage. These collaborations often result in electrifying performances that blend different musical styles and create something truly special.

  • Cross-Cultural Exchange:

    The festival provides a platform for artists from diverse backgrounds to share their music and cultures. This cross-cultural exchange fosters understanding and appreciation among festival attendees, creating a truly global musical celebration.

The harmonious blend of legends and rising stars at the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival ensures a lineup that appeals to music lovers of all generations and tastes. Get ready for a musical journey that spans decades, genres, and cultures, all coming together in one unforgettable festival experience.

Genre-Bending Fusion: Jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, and more converge in a musical melting pot.

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival lineup is a testament to the power of genre-bending fusion, where musical boundaries dissolve and new sonic landscapes emerge.

  • Jazz Roots:

    Jazz serves as the festival’s foundation, with legendary jazz musicians taking the stage to showcase their improvisational brilliance and soulful melodies.

  • Blues Expression:

    The blues, with its emotive lyrics and heartfelt vocals, finds a home at the festival, captivating audiences with its raw and honest storytelling.

  • R&B Grooves:

    R&B’s infectious rhythms and smooth vocals add an irresistible energy to the festival, inviting attendees to dance and sing along.

  • Gospel Inspiration:

    Gospel music’s uplifting melodies and powerful vocals resonate throughout the festival, bringing a sense of joy and spirituality to the celebration.

These genres, and many more, converge at the festival to create a musical melting pot where artists blend and fuse their styles, resulting in unique and unforgettable performances. The festival’s stages become a platform for musical experimentation and innovation, pushing the boundaries of genre and creating a truly immersive musical experience.

40+ Stages of Delight: Diverse venues cater to every musical taste.

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival boasts an impressive array of 40+ stages, each with its unique character and musical focus, ensuring that there’s something for every taste and preference.

  • Fair Grounds Race Course:

    The heart of the festival, the Fair Grounds Race Course, is a sprawling venue that hosts multiple stages, offering a diverse lineup throughout the day. From legendary headliners to up-and-coming artists, this stage has it all.

  • Acura Stage:

    Known for its state-of-the-art sound and lighting, the Acura Stage is the place to catch some of the festival’s biggest acts. With a focus on contemporary music, this stage attracts a large and enthusiastic crowd.

  • Congo Square Stage:

    If you’re looking for the true essence of New Orleans music, the Congo Square Stage is the place to be. This stage is dedicated to traditional jazz, rhythm and blues, and other local genres, showcasing the rich musical heritage of the city.

  • Gentilly Stage:

    For those who love to dance the night away, the Gentilly Stage is the place to be. With a focus on zydeco, funk, and other dance-friendly genres, this stage keeps the energy high and the crowd moving.

These are just a few examples of the many stages that make up the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. With such a diverse selection of venues, attendees can tailor their festival experience to their musical tastes and preferences, ensuring an unforgettable and thoroughly enjoyable time.

Fair Grounds Race Course: A picturesque backdrop for a festival like no other.

The Fair Grounds Race Course, home to the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, is not just a venue; it’s an iconic landmark that adds to the festival’s charm and allure.

  • Historical Significance:

    The Fair Grounds Race Course has a rich history dating back to the 1800s. Its beautifully preserved architecture and lush grounds create a unique and captivating atmosphere for the festival.

  • Natural Beauty:

    The race course is surrounded by sprawling green spaces, mature trees, and colorful gardens, providing a picturesque backdrop for the festival. Attendees can relax and enjoy the music while immersing themselves in the natural beauty of the surroundings.

  • Convenient Location:

    Situated just a short distance from downtown New Orleans, the Fair Grounds Race Course is easily accessible by public transportation, making it convenient for festival-goers to get to and from the venue.

  • Versatile Layout:

    The race course’s spacious layout allows for multiple stages to be set up, catering to diverse musical genres and accommodating large crowds. Attendees can easily move from one stage to another, ensuring they don’t miss any of their favorite performances.

The Fair Grounds Race Course is more than just a venue; it’s an integral part of the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival experience. Its historical charm, natural beauty, convenient location, and versatile layout make it the perfect setting for this beloved annual celebration of music and culture.

Cultural Immersion: Experience New Orleans’ rich heritage through music, food, and art.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is not just about the music; it’s a celebration of the city’s vibrant culture, heritage, and traditions. Attendees have the opportunity to immerse themselves in all that makes New Orleans unique.

  • Musical Heritage:

    New Orleans is known as the birthplace of jazz, and the festival showcases the city’s rich musical legacy. From traditional jazz to contemporary brass bands and everything in between, the festival offers a diverse lineup that pays tribute to the city’s musical roots.

  • Culinary Delights:

    New Orleans is a foodie’s paradise, and the festival is a great place to sample the city’s renowned cuisine. Vendors from all over the city offer a wide variety of local dishes, from classic Creole and Cajun fare to modern fusion cuisine. There’s something to satisfy every palate.

  • Arts and Crafts:

    The festival also features a vibrant arts and crafts market, where local artisans showcase their unique creations. Attendees can browse and purchase handmade jewelry, pottery, paintings, sculptures, and more, taking home a piece of New Orleans culture as a souvenir.

  • Cultural Workshops and Demonstrations:

    Throughout the festival, there are opportunities to participate in cultural workshops and demonstrations. These sessions offer hands-on experiences, allowing attendees to learn about traditional crafts, music, dance, and other aspects of New Orleans culture.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is a multi-sensory experience that allows attendees to fully immerse themselves in the city’s rich cultural heritage. Through music, food, art, and cultural activities, the festival provides a glimpse into the heart and soul of New Orleans.

Local Treasures: Discover hidden gems and celebrate local favorites.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is not just about big-name headliners; it’s also a platform for local musicians to shine. The festival lineup features a diverse array of local artists, from seasoned veterans to up-and-coming talents, showcasing the depth and diversity of New Orleans’ musical scene.

Hidden Gems:
The festival provides a chance to discover hidden gems – talented musicians who may not be well-known outside of New Orleans. These local artists bring their unique styles and perspectives to the festival, offering attendees the opportunity to experience authentic New Orleans music at its finest.

Local Favorites:
The festival also celebrates local favorites – musicians who have made a significant contribution to the New Orleans music scene. These artists are beloved by the local community and draw enthusiastic crowds to their performances. Seeing a local favorite perform at the festival is a special experience, as the crowd’s energy and excitement create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Cultural Exchange:
The presence of local artists at the festival fosters a sense of cultural exchange and community. Attendees get to interact with local musicians, learn about their musical influences, and appreciate the diversity of talent that New Orleans has to offer. This interaction helps to preserve and promote the city’s rich musical heritage.

Supporting Local Musicians:
By attending the festival and supporting local artists, attendees are contributing to the vitality of New Orleans’ music scene. Local musicians often rely on festivals and live performances for their livelihood, and the festival provides a valuable platform for them to reach a wider audience and gain recognition.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is a celebration of local talent, offering attendees the chance to discover hidden gems, celebrate local favorites, and contribute to the preservation of the city’s vibrant musical culture.

Global Rhythms: A platform for international artists to showcase their unique sounds.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is not just a local celebration; it’s also a global musical exchange. The festival lineup includes a diverse array of international artists, bringing their unique sounds and cultural influences to the festival stages.

  • Cultural Diversity:

    The presence of international artists at the festival showcases the diversity of musical traditions around the world. Attendees have the opportunity to experience different genres, instruments, and musical styles, broadening their musical horizons and appreciating the richness of global music.

  • Cross-Cultural Collaboration:

    The festival provides a platform for international artists to collaborate with local musicians, creating unique and exciting musical fusions. These collaborations often result in unforgettable performances that blend different musical traditions and create new sonic landscapes.

  • Musical Discovery:

    The festival is a great place to discover new and emerging international artists. These artists bring fresh perspectives and innovative sounds to the festival, introducing attendees to musical genres and styles they may not have encountered before.

  • Global Unity:

    The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is a celebration of global unity through music. By bringing together artists from different countries and cultures, the festival promotes understanding and appreciation among people from all walks of life.

The inclusion of international artists at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival enriches the festival experience and creates a truly global musical celebration. Attendees have the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse musical traditions, discover new artists, and experience the unifying power of music.

Culinary Delights: Savor the flavors of New Orleans’ renowned cuisine.

No visit to New Orleans is complete without indulging in its world-famous cuisine, and the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is the perfect place to sample the city’s culinary delights.

  • Local Specialties:

    The festival offers a diverse array of local specialties, from classic Creole and Cajun dishes to modern fusion cuisine. Attendees can satisfy their cravings for gumbo, jambalaya, po’boys, fried chicken, and more.

  • Cultural Fusion:

    New Orleans’ cuisine is a melting pot of cultures, reflecting the city’s rich history and diverse population. The festival’s food vendors offer dishes that blend African, European, and Caribbean influences, creating a unique and flavorful culinary experience.

  • Fresh Ingredients:

    New Orleans is known for its fresh and locally sourced ingredients, and the festival’s food vendors take pride in using the best ingredients to create their dishes. From succulent seafood to seasonal produce, the food at the festival is sure to tantalize taste buds.

  • Food as Art:

    In New Orleans, food is not just sustenance; it’s an art form. The festival’s food vendors take great care in preparing and presenting their dishes, creating visually appealing creations that are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the palate.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is a culinary journey that takes attendees on a tour of the city’s rich and diverse food culture. With a wide variety of local specialties, cultural fusion dishes, and fresh ingredients, the festival offers a feast for the senses that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning foodie.

Unforgettable Moments: Create memories that will last a lifetime.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is more than just a music festival; it’s an experience that creates lasting memories. Attendees from all walks of life come together to celebrate music, culture, and community, forming bonds that often extend beyond the festival grounds.

Shared Experiences:
One of the things that makes the festival so special is the sense of shared experience. As attendees dance to the music, savor delicious food, and explore the festival grounds, they become part of a larger community, united by their love of music and culture.

Musical Discoveries:
The festival provides a platform for attendees to discover new music and expand their musical horizons. Whether it’s a local artist playing on a small stage or a legendary musician performing on the main stage, attendees are sure to experience musical moments that they’ll never forget.

Cultural Connections:
The festival is a celebration of New Orleans’ rich culture and heritage. Attendees have the opportunity to learn about the city’s history, traditions, and diverse communities through music, food, art, and cultural workshops. These experiences create a deeper connection to the city and its people.

Lifelong Friendships:
The festival is also a place where lifelong friendships are formed. Attendees from all over the world come together to share their love of music and culture, and many leave the festival with new friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is more than just a festival; it’s an experience that creates unforgettable moments, fosters a sense of community, and leaves attendees with a renewed appreciation for music, culture, and the human spirit.

Community Spirit: A celebration that brings people together through the power of music.

At its core, the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is a celebration of community. Music has the power to transcend boundaries, unite people from all walks of life, and create a sense of shared joy and understanding.

  • Diverse Attendees:

    The festival attracts a diverse crowd of attendees, including locals, tourists, music lovers, and families. This diversity creates a vibrant and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels welcome and appreciated.

  • Shared Experiences:

    As attendees dance, sing, and immerse themselves in the festival’s music and culture, they share a common experience that fosters a sense of community. These shared experiences create lasting memories and bonds between people who may come from different backgrounds.

  • Cultural Exchange:

    The festival provides a platform for cultural exchange, where people from different cultures and communities come together to share their music, traditions, and stories. This exchange promotes understanding, appreciation, and respect for diverse cultures.

  • Economic Impact:

    The festival also has a positive economic impact on the local community. It creates jobs, supports local businesses, and generates revenue that helps to sustain the city’s vibrant music and culture scene.

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is more than just a music festival; it’s a celebration of community, diversity, and shared experiences. Through the power of music, the festival brings people together and creates a sense of unity and belonging that extends far beyond the festival grounds.


Get ready for an unforgettable celebration of music, culture, and community at the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions to help you plan your festival experience:

Question 1: When is the festival held?
Answer: The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival will take place over two weekends, from April 26th to 28th and May 3rd to 5th, 2024.

Question 2: Where is the festival located?
Answer: The festival is held at the historic Fair Grounds Race Course in New Orleans, Louisiana, a picturesque park with multiple stages, food vendors, and cultural exhibits.

Question 3: What kind of music can I expect to hear?
Answer: The festival features a diverse lineup of local, national, and international artists, showcasing a wide range of genres including jazz, blues, R&B, gospel, funk, and more.

Question 4: What other activities are there besides music?
Answer: The festival offers a variety of activities beyond music, including cultural exhibits, art installations, food vendors, a kids’ area, and workshops on topics such as music, dance, and crafts.

Question 5: What are the festival hours?
Answer: The festival gates open at 11:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM each day.

Question 6: How can I purchase tickets?
Answer: Tickets for the festival can be purchased online or at the gate. Advance purchase is recommended to avoid long lines and ensure entry.

Question 7: What are the festival’s COVID-19 protocols?
Answer: The festival’s COVID-19 protocols will be announced closer to the event date and will follow all local and state guidelines to ensure the health and safety of attendees, artists, and staff.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: With its vibrant music, delicious food, and welcoming atmosphere, the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is an unmissable event that celebrates the rich cultural heritage of New Orleans and the power of music to bring people together.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for making the most of your 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival experience:


Make the most of your 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival experience with these practical tips:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead and Purchase Tickets Early:
To avoid long lines and ensure entry, purchase your tickets online or at the gate in advance. Check the festival’s official website for ticket prices and availability.

Tip 2: Arrive Early to Secure a Good Spot:
If you want to get a good spot close to the stage for your favorite performances, arrive early. The festival grounds open at 11:00 AM each day, so plan to arrive well before that time.

Tip 3: Wear Comfortable Shoes and Clothing:
You’ll be doing a lot of walking and dancing at the festival, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothing. The weather in New Orleans can be unpredictable, so dress in layers so you can adjust to changing temperatures.

Tip 4: Stay Hydrated and Protected from the Sun:
The festival takes place outdoors, so it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses are also essential for protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful rays.

Closing Paragraph for Tips: With a little planning and preparation, you can ensure that your 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival experience is enjoyable, safe, and memorable.

The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival promises to be an unforgettable celebration of music, culture, and community. With its diverse lineup of artists, delicious food, and vibrant atmosphere, the festival is a must-attend event for music lovers and culture enthusiasts alike. Get your tickets early, plan your visit, and prepare to immerse yourself in the unique and unforgettable experience that is the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.


The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is shaping up to be an extraordinary celebration of music, culture, and community. With its diverse lineup of artists, global rhythms, and culinary delights, the festival offers an immersive experience that caters to every musical taste and interest.

As you plan your festival journey, remember to embrace the spirit of community that the festival embodies. Engage with fellow attendees, discover new music, and immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural heritage of New Orleans. Whether you’re a seasoned festival-goer or attending for the first time, the 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival promises to leave you with unforgettable memories and a renewed appreciation for the power of music to bring people together.

So gather your friends, family, and fellow music enthusiasts, and prepare for an extraordinary journey into the heart and soul of New Orleans. Let the music guide you, the flavors tantalize your taste buds, and the cultural experiences enrich your spirit. The 2024 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival awaits, ready to provide you with a truly unforgettable experience.

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