Alchemist Code Tier List 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Units


Alchemist Code Tier List 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best Units

Welcome, fellow alchemists, to the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll help you navigate the vast world of units and discover the ones that will lead your team to victory. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, this list will provide you with valuable insights and assist you in building a formidable team.

The Alchemist Code is a captivating role-playing game that immerses you in a world filled with magic, alchemy, and strategic battles. With a diverse cast of characters, each possessing unique abilities and strengths, choosing the right units for your team can be a daunting task. Fear not, for our tier list will serve as your trusty guide, helping you assemble a team capable of conquering any challenge that comes your way.

Before delving into the specifics of the tier list, let’s establish some key principles that guide our rankings. Unit viability, versatility, and overall impact on the battlefield are paramount considerations. Furthermore, we’ve taken into account the current meta, ensuring that the units on our list are not only powerful but also effective in the prevailing strategies and playstyles.

Alchemist Code Tier List 2024

Welcome to the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024, your ultimate guide to building a powerful team of alchemists. Discover the best units, their strengths, and how to dominate the battlefield.

  • Meta-Defining Units: Unveiling the strongest units that shape the current meta.
  • Versatile Performers: Meet the adaptable units that excel in multiple roles and strategies.
  • Game-Changing Abilities: Explore units with unique skills that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Synergy and Team Composition: Learn how to combine units to create devastating team synergies.
  • Countering the Meta: Discover units that can effectively counter popular strategies and units.
  • Long-Term Viability: Identify units that remain powerful even as the meta evolves.
  • Budget-Friendly Options: Find strong units that won’t break the bank.
  • Hidden Gems: Uncover underrated units that can surprise and outplay your opponents.
  • Future-Proof Investments: Invest in units that will continue to shine in upcoming updates.
  • Community Insights: Stay informed with the latest unit rankings and community discussions.

With these points in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to build a formidable team and conquer the Alchemist Code battlefield.

Meta-Defining Units: Unveiling the strongest units that shape the current meta.

In the ever-shifting landscape of the Alchemist Code, certain units rise above the rest, defining the current meta and shaping the strategies of top players. These meta-defining units possess exceptional abilities, game-changing skills, and synergies that make them indispensable in competitive battles.

One prime example is the enigmatic alchemist, Zekus. His unique ability, “Abyssal Rift,” allows him to deal massive damage to enemies while also healing himself. This potent combination makes him a formidable force, capable of turning the tide of battle in an instant. Additionally, his leadership skill, “Dark Banquet,” provides a substantial boost to the attack power of all dark-element units, making him a cornerstone of dark-element teams.

Another meta-defining unit is the legendary swordsman, Logi. His signature skill, “Tempest Slash,” unleashes a devastating attack that can cleave through multiple enemies. Furthermore, his leadership skill, “Sword Dance,” grants a significant boost to the critical rate and critical damage of all sword-wielding units. This makes him a must-have for teams focused on physical damage output.

These are just a few examples of the meta-defining units that dominate the Alchemist Code battlefield. By incorporating them into your team, you’ll gain a significant advantage and increase your chances of victory.

Remember, the meta is constantly evolving, and new units are emerging to challenge the status quo. It’s crucial to stay informed about the latest unit releases, balance changes, and community discussions to adapt your team accordingly and maintain your dominance in the ever-changing world of the Alchemist Code.

Versatile Performers: Meet the adaptable units that excel in multiple roles and strategies.

In the Alchemist Code, versatility is key to adapting to different challenges and playstyles. Certain units stand out as versatile performers, capable of fulfilling multiple roles and excelling in various strategies.

One such unit is the resourceful alchemist, Pamela. Her diverse skillset allows her to function as both a healer and a support unit. Her signature skill, “Benevolent Touch,” restores the health of allies while also removing debuffs. Additionally, her leadership skill, “Alchemist’s Wisdom,” provides a substantial boost to the magic attack power of all allies. This makes her a valuable asset to any team, regardless of its composition or strategy.

Another versatile performer is the enigmatic ninja, Ayame. Her exceptional agility and stealth make her a potent damage dealer and a formidable disruptor. Her signature skill, “Shadow Strike,” allows her to deal massive damage to a single enemy while also inflicting a debilitating poison effect. Moreover, her leadership skill, “Ninja Arts,” grants a significant boost to the evasion and critical rate of all ninja units. This makes her a key component of teams that rely on quick strikes and evasive maneuvers.

These are just a few examples of the versatile performers that grace the Alchemist Code roster. By incorporating them into your team, you’ll gain the flexibility to adapt to any situation and overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Remember, versatility is a valuable asset in the ever-changing world of the Alchemist Code. By building a team that includes adaptable units, you’ll be well-prepared to face any obstacle and emerge victorious.

Game-Changing Abilities: Explore units with unique skills that can turn the tide of battle.

In the Alchemist Code, certain units possess extraordinary abilities that can single-handedly alter the course of a battle. These game-changing skills can provide immense utility, disrupt enemy strategies, or deal devastating damage.

One unit with a game-changing ability is the enigmatic sorceress, Meredy. Her signature skill, “Chrono Collapse,” allows her to manipulate time, reversing the status effects and buffs of all units on the battlefield. This ability can completely disrupt enemy strategies and turn the tide of battle in an instant. Additionally, her leadership skill, “Temporal Flux,” grants a significant boost to the magic resistance of all allies, making them more resilient to magical attacks.

Another unit with a game-changing ability is the legendary warrior, Vargas. His signature skill, “Dragon’s Rage,” unleashes a devastating attack that deals massive damage to all enemies in a large area. This ability is particularly effective against groups of enemies and can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor. Moreover, his leadership skill, “Unstoppable Force,” grants a substantial boost to the attack power and defense of all warrior units, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

These are just a few examples of the units with game-changing abilities that can make a significant impact on the outcome of a battle. By incorporating them into your team, you’ll gain the potential to turn the tide of battle in your favor and secure victory.

Remember, game-changing abilities are rare and powerful, so use them wisely. By carefully planning your strategy and timing your abilities effectively, you can maximize their impact and achieve overwhelming victories.

Synergy and Team Composition: Learn how to combine units to create devastating team synergies.

In the Alchemist Code, synergy is the key to unlocking the true potential of your team. By carefully combining units with complementary skills and abilities, you can create devastating team compositions that can dominate the battlefield.

  • Elemental Synergy:

    Combining units of the same element can grant powerful bonuses and elemental effects. For example, a team composed entirely of fire-element units may gain increased fire damage and resistance to fire attacks.

  • Class Synergy:

    Units of the same class often share class-specific skills and abilities that can synergize well together. For example, a team composed entirely of warrior units may gain increased attack power and defense.

  • Leader Skills:

    Many units possess leader skills that provide various bonuses to all allies. These bonuses can range from increased stats to unique effects. By carefully selecting units with complementary leader skills, you can further enhance your team’s overall performance.

  • Skill Combinations:

    Certain units have skills that work exceptionally well together. For example, a unit with a skill that inflicts a status effect may synergize well with a unit that has a skill that deals bonus damage to enemies with that status effect.

By understanding and utilizing synergy, you can create a team that is greater than the sum of its parts. Experiment with different unit combinations and discover the devastating synergies that await you.

Countering the Meta: Discover units that can effectively counter popular strategies and units.

In the ever-changing meta of the Alchemist Code, it’s crucial to have units that can effectively counter popular strategies and units. By anticipating and preparing for the challenges you’re likely to face, you can gain a significant advantage on the battlefield.

One way to counter popular strategies is to use units with abilities that can disrupt or nullify them. For example, if you know that your opponent is likely to use a team that relies on status effects, you can include units that are immune to or can cleanse status effects from your team.

Another way to counter popular strategies is to use units that have elemental advantages over the units that are commonly used in those strategies. For example, if you know that your opponent is likely to use a team composed mostly of fire-element units, you can include units with water-element attacks, which deal increased damage to fire-element units.

Finally, you can also counter popular strategies by using units that have unique skills or abilities that can exploit the weaknesses of those strategies. For example, if you know that your opponent is likely to use a team that relies on physical attacks, you can include units with high physical defense or units that can counter physical attacks with their own skills.

By carefully analyzing the current meta and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of popular strategies and units, you can build a team that is well-equipped to counter them and secure victory.

Long-Term Viability: Identify units that remain powerful even as the meta evolves.

In the ever-shifting landscape of the Alchemist Code, it’s essential to invest in units that will remain powerful even as the meta evolves. These units are often referred to as “future-proof” units, and they can provide a solid foundation for your team for months or even years to come.

One factor to consider when evaluating the long-term viability of a unit is their versatility. Units with diverse skillsets and abilities are more likely to remain relevant in different metas. For example, a unit that can deal both physical and magical damage, or a unit that can support allies in various ways, is more likely to be useful in a wide range of team compositions and strategies.

Another factor to consider is a unit’s unique skills and abilities. Units with unique mechanics or effects that cannot be easily replicated by other units are more likely to remain valuable even as the meta changes. For example, a unit that can inflict a rare status effect or a unit that can bypass certain types of defenses is likely to be useful in a variety of situations.

Finally, it’s important to consider a unit’s overall stats and growth potential. Units with high base stats and good stat growth rates are more likely to remain powerful even as new units are released. Additionally, units that have access to powerful evolution materials or exclusive equipment are more likely to maintain their relevance in the long term.

By carefully considering these factors, you can identify units that are likely to remain powerful even as the meta evolves. Investing in these units will give you a solid foundation for your team and help you achieve long-term success in the Alchemist Code.

Budget-Friendly Options: Find strong units that won’t break the bank.

Building a powerful team in the Alchemist Code doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many strong units that can be obtained without spending a lot of resources or money.

  • Free Units:

    Many powerful units can be obtained for free through various in-game events, quests, and achievements. These units are often just as strong as gacha-exclusive units, so it’s worth taking the time to acquire and level them up.

  • Low-Rarity Units:

    Don’t overlook low-rarity units. While they may not have the same stats or skills as higher-rarity units, many low-rarity units can still be very useful in a variety of team compositions. Additionally, low-rarity units are often easier to limit break and evolve, which can make them even more powerful.

  • Farmable Units:

    Some units can be obtained through farming specific quests or stages. These units may take some time and effort to acquire, but they can be just as powerful as gacha-exclusive units. Additionally, farmable units are often available at a lower cost than gacha-exclusive units.

  • Guild Exchange Units:

    Guild Exchange units can be obtained by trading Guild Medals, which are earned through guild activities. These units are typically very strong and can be a valuable addition to any team.

By utilizing these budget-friendly options, you can build a powerful team without breaking the bank. Remember, it’s not always necessary to have the latest and greatest units to succeed in the Alchemist Code. With a little planning and effort, you can assemble a team of strong units that can overcome any challenge.

Hidden Gems: Uncover underrated units that can surprise and outplay your opponents.

In the vast roster of the Alchemist Code, there are many hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These underrated units may not be as popular as the meta-defining units, but they can still pack a punch and surprise your opponents.

One such hidden gem is the unassuming alchemist, Chloe. While she may not have the flashy skills of some other units, her ability to manipulate the elements and inflict status effects can be devastating in the right hands. Her signature skill, “Elemental Burst,” allows her to deal massive damage to all enemies while also inflicting a random status effect. Additionally, her leadership skill, “Alchemist’s Wisdom,” provides a substantial boost to the magic attack power of all allies, making her a valuable asset to any magic-based team.

Another hidden gem is the enigmatic ninja, Kagura. His unique skills allow him to control the shadows and strike from unexpected angles. His signature skill, “Shadow Step,” allows him to teleport behind an enemy and deal massive damage. Additionally, his leadership skill, “Ninja Arts,” grants a significant boost to the evasion and critical rate of all ninja units, making him a key component of teams that rely on quick strikes and evasive maneuvers.

These are just a few examples of the hidden gems that can be found in the Alchemist Code. By experimenting with different units and team compositions, you may discover your own hidden gems that can surprise and outplay your opponents.

Remember, the meta is constantly evolving, and new strategies are emerging all the time. By keeping an open mind and exploring underrated units, you can stay ahead of the curve and surprise your opponents with unexpected and devastating tactics.

Future-Proof Investments: Invest in units that will continue to shine in upcoming updates.

In the ever-changing world of the Alchemist Code, it’s important to invest in units that will continue to be valuable even as the game evolves. These future-proof investments will ensure that your team remains strong and competitive for months or even years to come.

  • Units with Unique Mechanics:

    Units with unique mechanics or abilities that cannot be easily replicated by other units are more likely to remain relevant in future updates. For example, units that can inflict rare status effects or bypass certain types of defenses are likely to be useful in a variety of situations.

  • Units with High Base Stats and Good Stat Growth:

    Units with high base stats and good stat growth rates are more likely to remain powerful even as new units are released. Additionally, units that have access to powerful evolution materials or exclusive equipment are more likely to maintain their relevance in the long term.

  • Units that are Versatile and Adaptable:

    Units that are versatile and adaptable are more likely to remain useful in different metas and team compositions. For example, units with diverse skillsets and abilities, or units that can fulfill multiple roles, are more likely to be valuable in a variety of situations.

  • Units that are Popular in the Community:

    Units that are popular in the community are more likely to receive attention from the developers and be buffed or improved in future updates. Additionally, popular units are more likely to have a strong community following, which can provide valuable insights and strategies for using the unit effectively.

By investing in future-proof units, you can ensure that your team remains strong and competitive in the ever-changing world of the Alchemist Code. Remember, it’s not always necessary to have the latest and greatest units to succeed. By carefully selecting units with unique mechanics, high stats, versatility, and community popularity, you can build a team that will stand the test of time.

Community Insights: Stay informed with the latest unit rankings and community discussions.

The Alchemist Code community is a vibrant and passionate group of players who are always eager to share their insights and strategies. By staying informed with the latest unit rankings and community discussions, you can gain valuable knowledge and improve your understanding of the game.

One way to stay informed is to read community forums and discussion boards. These forums are often filled with in-depth discussions about the latest units, team compositions, and strategies. You can also find tier lists and unit rankings created by experienced players, which can provide valuable guidance when building your own team.

Another way to stay informed is to watch live streams and videos created by content creators. Many content creators regularly post videos discussing the latest units, sharing their gameplay experiences, and providing tips and tricks for improving your skills. These videos can be a great way to learn from the best and discover new strategies.

Finally, you can also join guilds and participate in community events. Guilds are a great way to connect with other players, share strategies, and learn from each other. Community events, such as tournaments and challenges, can also be a fun and rewarding way to test your skills and earn exclusive rewards.

By staying informed with the latest community insights, you can gain a deeper understanding of the game, improve your team composition, and become a more skilled and knowledgeable player in the Alchemist Code.


Welcome to the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024 FAQ!

In this section, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the game’s units, team composition, and strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, we hope you’ll find the answers you’re looking for here.

Question 1: Who are the best units in the Alchemist Code 2024?

Answer: The best units in the Alchemist Code 2024 are those that possess powerful skills, unique mechanics, and synergy with other units. Some of the top-tier units include Zekus, Logi, Pamela, Ayame, Meredy, and Vargas. However, it’s important to note that the meta is constantly evolving, so it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest unit rankings and community discussions.

Question 2: How can I build a strong team composition?

Answer: Building a strong team composition in the Alchemist Code 2024 requires careful consideration of unit synergy, elemental advantages, class bonuses, and leader skills. Aim for a balanced team with a mix of damage dealers, support units, and tanks. Experiment with different unit combinations and discover the synergies that work best for you.

Question 3: How can I counter the current meta?

Answer: Countering the current meta in the Alchemist Code 2024 involves identifying the popular strategies and units and then using units and strategies that can effectively counter them. For example, if you know that your opponent is likely to use a team that relies on status effects, you can include units that are immune to or can cleanse status effects from your team.

Question 4: Which units are good long-term investments?

Answer: Long-term investments in the Alchemist Code 2024 should focus on units with unique mechanics, high base stats, good stat growth, and versatility. These units are more likely to remain relevant even as the meta evolves. Some good long-term investments include units with rare status effects, abilities that bypass certain types of defenses, and units that can fulfill multiple roles.

Question 5: Where can I find the latest unit rankings and community discussions?

Answer: The best places to find the latest unit rankings and community discussions for the Alchemist Code 2024 are community forums, discussion boards, live streams, videos created by content creators, and guild chats. These platforms are filled with valuable insights, strategies, and tips from experienced players.

Question 6: What are some tips for improving my gameplay?

Answer: To improve your gameplay in the Alchemist Code 2024, focus on understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your units, experimenting with different team compositions, and practicing your skills in various game modes. Additionally, staying informed about the latest unit rankings, community discussions, and meta trends can give you a significant advantage in battles.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful in answering some of your questions about the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024. Remember, the key to success in this game is to continuously learn, adapt, and improve. Good luck and have fun!

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips to help you succeed in the Alchemist Code 2024:

* **Utilize elemental advantages:** Pay attention to the elemental affinities of your units and enemies. Units with elemental advantages deal increased damage and take reduced damage from units with elemental disadvantages.
* **Experiment with different strategies:** Don’t be afraid to try out different team compositions and strategies. The meta is constantly evolving, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to team building.
* **Farm for materials and resources:** Many units and equipment require specific materials and resources to evolve and enhance. Make sure to farm for these materials regularly to keep your units and team strong.
* **Join a guild:** Joining a guild can provide you with access to valuable resources, such as guild buffs, guild quests, and the ability to trade materials with other guild members.


In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some practical tips to help you succeed in the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024:

1. Master the Basics:

Before diving into advanced strategies, take the time to master the basics of the game. This includes understanding unit roles, elemental affinities, and the various types of skills and abilities. A solid grasp of the fundamentals will lay the foundation for your success in battles.

2. Experiment and Adapt:

The Alchemist Code Tier List 2024 is constantly evolving, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to team building. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different unit combinations and strategies to find what works best for you. Pay attention to the current meta and adapt your team accordingly.

3. Invest Wisely:

Resources are limited in the Alchemist Code 2024, so it’s important to invest wisely. Prioritize upgrading units that are versatile and have long-term viability. Consider investing in units that can fulfill multiple roles or have unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle.

4. Join a Guild and Participate in Events:

Joining a guild can provide you with access to valuable resources and support from other players. Additionally, participating in guild events can earn you exclusive rewards and materials. Make sure to also participate in in-game events, as they often offer special rewards and challenges.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you play the Alchemist Code 2024, the better you will become at building strong teams, countering the meta, and emerging victorious in battles. Good luck and have fun!

With these tips in mind, you’re well-equipped to climb the ranks and achieve greatness in the Alchemist Code 2024. Keep learning, adapting, and improving, and you’ll be unstoppable on the battlefield.


As we reach the end of our journey through the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024, let’s reflect on the main points we’ve covered:

1. Meta-Defining Units: The current meta is shaped by powerful units with unique skills and abilities that can dominate the battlefield. By incorporating these units into your team, you can gain a significant advantage and increase your chances of victory.

2. Versatile Performers: Some units excel in multiple roles and strategies. These versatile performers can adapt to different situations and provide flexibility to your team composition.

3. Game-Changing Abilities: Certain units possess game-changing abilities that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. These abilities can disrupt enemy strategies, deal massive damage, or provide powerful support effects.

4. Synergy and Team Composition: Building a strong team composition is crucial for success in the Alchemist Code 2024. By combining units with complementary skills and abilities, you can create devastating team synergies that will overwhelm your opponents.

5. Countering the Meta: The meta is constantly evolving, and new strategies and units are emerging all the time. By staying informed about the latest trends and developments, you can adapt your team and strategies to counter the current meta and maintain your dominance.

6. Long-Term Viability: Investing in units with long-term viability is essential for sustained success in the Alchemist Code 2024. These units will remain powerful even as the meta changes, providing a solid foundation for your team.

7. Budget-Friendly Options: Building a strong team doesn’t have to break the bank. There are many powerful units that can be obtained without spending a lot of resources or money. By utilizing budget-friendly options, you can assemble a competitive team without sacrificing performance.

8. Hidden Gems: The Alchemist Code roster is filled with hidden gems waiting to be discovered. These underrated units may not be as popular as the meta-defining units, but they can still pack a punch and surprise your opponents.

9. Future-Proof Investments: By investing in units with unique mechanics, high stats, versatility, and community popularity, you can ensure that your team remains strong and competitive in the ever-changing world of the Alchemist Code.

10. Community Insights: Staying informed with the latest unit rankings and community discussions is crucial for improving your understanding of the game and becoming a more skilled and knowledgeable player.

Remember, the Alchemist Code Tier List 2024 is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. By staying adaptable, experimenting with different strategies, and continuously learning from the community, you can achieve greatness and conquer the battlefield.

Thank you for reading! We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with valuable insights and guidance for your journey in the Alchemist Code 2024. Good luck and have fun!

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