Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar 2024-2025: A Comprehensive Guide for Students


Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar 2024-2025: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

Greetings, fellow scholars! Are you ready to embark on an academic journey through the halls of Cal Poly Pomona? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the comprehensive Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Get ready to mark those dates, plan your study sessions, and prepare for an unforgettable academic adventure!

At Cal Poly Pomona, we take pride in our academic rigor and diverse course offerings. Our calendar is meticulously designed to provide you with a structured and supportive learning environment. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a wide-eyed freshman, this calendar will serve as your trusty guide throughout the year. So, let’s get started and uncover the secrets of the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar!

Now that we’ve set the stage, it’s time to delve into the specifics of the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar. We’ll break down each quarter, highlighting important dates, deadlines, and events. Stay tuned, dear readers, as we embark on this chronological odyssey!

Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Navigate your academic journey with ease using the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar 2024-2025. Here are 8 key points to keep in mind:

  • Quarter System: Structured academic year divided into quarters.
  • Fall Quarter: Typically begins late September and ends mid-December.
  • Winter Quarter: Usually starts early January and concludes late March.
  • Spring Quarter: Generally begins early April and ends mid-June.
  • Summer Session: Optional term offering courses and programs.
  • Academic Breaks: Includes weekends, holidays, and designated breaks.
  • Registration and Deadlines: Specific dates for enrollment, tuition payment, and course add/drop.
  • Exam Schedule: Outlines dates and times for midterm and final exams.

Stay organized and informed throughout the academic year with the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar. Plan ahead, meet deadlines, and make the most of your educational experience.

Quarter System: Structured academic year divided into quarters.

At Cal Poly Pomona, we follow a quarter system, which means our academic year is divided into four distinct quarters. This unique structure offers several advantages to our students:

  • Flexibility: The quarter system allows you to tailor your academic journey to your individual needs and goals. You can choose to take a full course load or a lighter schedule, depending on your commitments and aspirations.
  • Variety: With the quarter system, you have the opportunity to explore a wide range of courses and subjects in a shorter timeframe. This exposure to diverse disciplines can broaden your horizons and help you discover new passions.
  • Accelerated Learning: The fast-paced nature of the quarter system encourages focused and efficient learning. You’ll cover a significant amount of material in a shorter period, developing strong critical thinking and time management skills.
  • Multiple Entry Points: The quarter system provides multiple entry points throughout the year, allowing you to start your academic journey at different times. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for transfer students or those seeking a change in their educational path.

Each quarter typically lasts around 10 weeks, with a short break in between. This structured schedule provides a clear timeframe for completing coursework, exams, and projects, helping you stay on track and achieve your academic goals.

The quarter system at Cal Poly Pomona is designed to provide a dynamic and engaging learning environment that fosters intellectual growth and personal development. Embrace the unique opportunities offered by this system and make the most of your academic experience!

Fall Quarter: Typically begins late September and ends mid-December.

The Fall Quarter at Cal Poly Pomona is a vibrant and exciting time, marking the official start of the academic year. As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, campus comes alive with the energy of new beginnings and the pursuit of knowledge.

  • Fresh Start: The Fall Quarter is an opportunity for a fresh start, whether you’re a new student embarking on your academic journey or a returning student ready to tackle new challenges.
  • Course Selection: With the widest range of courses offered, the Fall Quarter allows you to explore diverse disciplines and discover new interests. From introductory classes to advanced electives, there’s something for everyone.
  • Engaging Activities: The Fall Quarter is packed with engaging activities both inside and outside the classroom. Attend lectures by renowned scholars, participate in club and organization events, and cheer on the Broncos at sporting events.
  • Seasonal Festivities: The Fall Quarter is a time for celebration, with events like Homecoming and the annual Fall Festival bringing the campus community together. Embrace the festive spirit and make memories that will last a lifetime.

The Fall Quarter at Cal Poly Pomona is a time of growth, exploration, and connection. Dive into your studies, get involved in campus life, and make the most of this exciting chapter in your academic journey.

Winter Quarter: Usually starts early January and concludes late March.

As the holiday season fades and the new year begins, Cal Poly Pomona transitions into the Winter Quarter, a time for academic focus and personal growth.

  • Mid-Year Reset: The Winter Quarter provides an opportunity to reset and recharge after the busy Fall Quarter. It’s a chance to catch up on coursework, explore new study techniques, and prioritize your academic goals.
  • Specialized Courses: The Winter Quarter often offers specialized courses and seminars that may not be available during other quarters. Take advantage of this opportunity to delve deeper into your chosen field or discover new areas of interest.
  • Research and Projects: Many students use the Winter Quarter to conduct research, work on projects, or participate in internships. This hands-on experience can enhance your learning and prepare you for your future career.
  • Cultural Celebrations: The Winter Quarter is a time for cultural celebrations, including Lunar New Year and Black History Month. Participate in events and activities that promote diversity and inclusion on campus.

The Winter Quarter at Cal Poly Pomona is a time for perseverance, exploration, and growth. Embrace the challenges, seek new opportunities, and make the most of this unique quarter.

Spring Quarter: Generally begins early April and ends mid-June.

As the weather warms and flowers bloom, Cal Poly Pomona welcomes the Spring Quarter, a time for reflection, celebration, and new beginnings.

  • Home Stretch: The Spring Quarter marks the final stretch of the academic year. It’s a time to focus, persevere, and finish strong. Whether you’re completing coursework, preparing for exams, or working on final projects, the Spring Quarter is your chance to showcase your dedication and hard work.
  • Senior Celebrations: For graduating seniors, the Spring Quarter is a time of celebration and transition. Attend senior events, participate in commencement ceremonies, and celebrate your accomplishments with friends, family, and fellow graduates.
  • Research and Creative Projects: Many students use the Spring Quarter to conduct research, work on creative projects, or participate in internships. This hands-on experience can be a culmination of your undergraduate studies and a valuable addition to your portfolio.
  • Outdoor Activities: With longer days and warmer weather, the Spring Quarter is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities on campus and in the surrounding area. Take a walk through the Botanic Garden, have a picnic on the lawn, or explore the nearby hiking trails.

The Spring Quarter at Cal Poly Pomona is a time for growth, reflection, and celebration. Embrace the opportunities this quarter presents and make the most of your final moments as a student.

Summer Session: Optional term offering courses and programs.

The Summer Session at Cal Poly Pomona is an optional term that provides students with the opportunity to accelerate their studies, explore new interests, or catch up on coursework. Whether you’re looking to get ahead, make up for lost time, or simply enjoy a summer on campus, the Summer Session has something for everyone.

  • Flexible Course Options: The Summer Session offers a wide range of courses, from introductory to advanced levels, in a variety of subjects. This flexibility allows you to tailor your summer studies to your individual needs and goals.
  • Accelerated Pace: Summer courses are typically offered in a condensed format, allowing you to cover a significant amount of material in a shorter period of time. This accelerated pace can be a great way to get ahead in your studies or complete a degree program more quickly.
  • Specialized Programs: In addition to regular courses, the Summer Session also offers specialized programs, such as study abroad opportunities, research experiences, and internships. These programs can provide you with unique learning experiences and help you develop valuable skills for your future career.
  • Enjoy Campus Life: Summer on campus is a unique experience. With fewer students around, you’ll have the chance to enjoy the campus facilities and resources without the hustle and bustle of the regular academic year. Take advantage of the opportunity to study in the library, work out in the gym, or simply relax and enjoy the beautiful campus grounds.

The Summer Session at Cal Poly Pomona is a great way to make the most of your summer break and enhance your academic journey. Whether you’re looking to accelerate your studies, explore new interests, or simply enjoy a summer on campus, the Summer Session has something for everyone.

So, if you’re looking for a productive and enjoyable way to spend your summer, consider enrolling in the Summer Session at Cal Poly Pomona. You’ll have the opportunity to learn, grow, and make lasting memories.

Academic Breaks: Includes weekends, holidays, and designated breaks.

Interspersed throughout the academic year are well-deserved breaks that provide opportunities for rest, rejuvenation, and exploration.

  • Weekends: Every week, students have two days off to relax, recharge, and pursue personal interests. Whether you want to catch up on sleep, spend time with loved ones, or explore the surrounding area, weekends are a great time to step away from your studies and focus on your well-being.
  • Holidays: Cal Poly Pomona observes various holidays throughout the year, including national holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as academic holidays like spring break. These breaks provide an opportunity to travel, spend time with family and friends, or simply take a break from the rigors of academic life.
  • Designated Breaks: In addition to weekends and holidays, the academic calendar also includes designated breaks, such as fall break and winter break. These longer breaks provide a chance to recharge, catch up on coursework, or pursue personal projects. Many students use these breaks to travel, visit family, or participate in extracurricular activities.

Academic breaks are an essential part of the academic calendar, providing students with much-needed time to rest, recharge, and pursue personal interests. Use these breaks wisely to maintain a healthy balance between your academic and personal life.

Registration and Deadlines: Specific dates for enrollment, tuition payment, and course add/drop.

To ensure a smooth and organized academic experience, Cal Poly Pomona has established specific dates and deadlines for registration, tuition payment, and course add/drop. These important dates serve as checkpoints throughout the year to ensure that students are enrolled in the correct courses, have met all financial obligations, and are making progress toward their academic goals.

  • Enrollment: Prior to the start of each quarter, students must enroll in their desired courses. This involves selecting courses that align with their academic plan and meeting any prerequisites. Deadlines are typically set a few weeks before the start of each quarter to ensure that students have ample time to research and select their courses.
  • Tuition Payment: Once students have enrolled in their courses, they must pay their tuition and other associated fees by a specified deadline. Tuition payment deadlines vary depending on the payment method and the time of year. It is important to carefully review the financial calendar and make payments on time to avoid late fees and potential holds on your student account.
  • Course Add/Drop: During the first few weeks of each quarter, students have the opportunity to add or drop courses from their schedules. This add/drop period allows students to make adjustments to their coursework based on their academic needs and preferences. Deadlines for adding and dropping courses are typically set a few weeks after the start of each quarter.

Registration and deadlines are essential aspects of the academic calendar, ensuring that students are properly enrolled in their courses, have met financial obligations, and are able to make changes to their coursework as needed. It is important to pay close attention to these dates and meet all deadlines to avoid any disruptions to your academic progress.

Exam Schedule: Outlines dates and times for midterm and final exams.

As the culmination of each quarter, students at Cal Poly Pomona face the challenge of exams. To ensure a fair and organized assessment process, the academic calendar includes a detailed exam schedule that outlines the dates and times for midterm and final exams.

  • Midterm Exams: Midway through each quarter, students typically take midterm exams to assess their understanding of the material covered so far. Midterm exams help students identify areas where they need additional focus and provide an opportunity to make adjustments to their study strategies. Deadlines for midterm exams are typically set a few weeks after the start of each quarter, allowing students ample time to prepare.
  • Final Exams: At the end of each quarter, students take final exams to comprehensively evaluate their knowledge and skills in a given course. Final exams are typically more extensive than midterm exams and cover the entire range of material taught throughout the quarter. Deadlines for final exams are typically set during the last week of each quarter.
  • Exam Schedule Publication: The exam schedule is published well in advance of each quarter, allowing students to plan their study schedules and avoid conflicts. The schedule is typically available online and in academic advising offices.
  • Exam Accommodations: Students with disabilities or other special needs may be eligible for exam accommodations, such as extended time or a quiet testing environment. To request accommodations, students should contact the Disability Resource Center well in advance of the exam period.

The exam schedule is an important part of the academic calendar, providing students with a clear timeline for preparing and taking exams. By carefully reviewing the schedule and planning ahead, students can minimize stress and maximize their chances of success.


Have questions about the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024? Check out our FAQ section for answers to some commonly asked questions.

Question 1: When does the 2024 academic year start and end?

Answer: The 2024 academic year at Cal Poly Pomona begins on September 23, 2024, and ends on June 12, 2025.

Question 2: How many quarters are there in the academic year?

Answer: There are four quarters in the academic year: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.

Question 3: When is the registration period for each quarter?

Answer: Registration periods vary depending on the quarter. Generally, registration for the Fall quarter opens in March, Winter quarter opens in October, Spring quarter opens in December, and Summer quarter opens in April.

Question 4: When are tuition and fees due?

Answer: Tuition and fees are due by the first day of each quarter. Late payment fees may apply for payments made after the due date.

Question 5: When is the add/drop period for each quarter?

Answer: The add/drop period typically begins one week after the start of each quarter and lasts for about two weeks. During this period, students can add or drop courses from their schedules.

Question 6: When are midterm and final exams scheduled?

Answer: Midterm exams are typically held in the middle of each quarter, and final exams are held at the end of each quarter. The exact dates and times for exams vary depending on the course and instructor.

Question 7: Are there any academic breaks during the year?

Answer: Yes, there are several academic breaks during the year, including Thanksgiving break, winter break, spring break, and summer break. The dates for these breaks vary each year.

We hope this FAQ section has answered some of your questions about the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the university’s academic advising office.

Tips for Academic Success in 2024:

  • Plan ahead and create a study schedule.
  • Attend class regularly and participate actively.
  • Complete assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
  • Seek help from professors, TAs, or tutors when needed.
  • Take advantage of academic resources such as the library and writing center.
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities to enhance your learning experience.


Here are a few practical tips to help you make the most of the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:

The key to academic success is planning. Take some time at the beginning of each quarter to review the academic calendar and plan out your schedule. This includes noting important dates like registration deadlines, add/drop deadlines, and exam dates. Having a clear plan will help you stay organized and avoid any last-minute surprises.

Tip 2: Take Advantage of Academic Resources:

Cal Poly Pomona offers a variety of academic resources to help students succeed. These resources include the library, writing center, tutoring services, and academic advising. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of these resources if you need help with your studies. The earlier you seek help, the better.

Tip 3: Get Involved on Campus:

Getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to enhance your learning experience and make the most of your time at Cal Poly Pomona. There are hundreds of clubs and organizations to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that interests you. Participating in extracurricular activities can help you develop new skills, meet new people, and learn more about yourself.

Tip 4: Take Care of Your Mental and Physical Health:

It’s important to take care of your mental and physical health throughout your academic journey. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your health will help you stay focused, energized, and productive in your studies.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024 and set yourself up for success.


The Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024 provides a structured framework for your academic journey. By understanding the key dates and deadlines, planning ahead, and taking advantage of the resources available, you can make the most of your time at Cal Poly Pomona and achieve your academic goals.


As we look ahead to 2024, the Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar provides a clear roadmap for your academic journey. With its structured quarters, flexible course offerings, and supportive resources, Cal Poly Pomona offers an exceptional learning environment that empowers you to succeed and achieve your academic aspirations.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the key elements of the academic calendar, including the quarter system, registration and deadlines, exam schedules, and academic breaks. We’ve also provided practical tips and highlighted valuable resources to help you make the most of your time at Cal Poly Pomona.

Remember, the academic calendar is not just a list of dates and deadlines; it’s a tool to help you plan, organize, and navigate your academic journey. By understanding the key dates and taking advantage of the resources available, you can create a structured and fulfilling academic experience for yourself.

As you embark on this exciting chapter in your life, embrace new challenges, seek opportunities for growth, and make lasting connections with your fellow students, faculty, and staff. The Cal Poly Pomona Academic Calendar for 2024 is your guide to an unforgettable and rewarding academic experience.

We wish you all the best in your academic endeavors and look forward to seeing you thrive at Cal Poly Pomona in 2024 and beyond.

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