Csulb Fall 2024 Calendar: A Blend of Education, Engagement, and Fun


Csulb Fall 2024 Calendar: A Blend of Education, Engagement, and Fun

Mark your calendars, folks! The Cal State Long Beach Fall 2024 academic calendar is out, and it’s bursting with opportunities for learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. Get ready to dive into a semester filled with academic rigor, social events, and plenty of beachside adventures.

At CSULB, we believe that education goes beyond textbooks and lectures. Our fall calendar is meticulously crafted to provide a holistic learning experience that nurtures intellectual curiosity, fosters personal growth, and prepares you for success in your chosen field. From thought-provoking classes to enriching extracurricular activities, there’s something for every student to explore and enjoy.

As we eagerly await the start of the fall semester, let’s take a closer look at some key dates and events that will shape your CSULB experience.

Csulb Fall 2024 Calendar

Excitement awaits at CSULB this fall! Check out these key dates and events:

  • Academic Excellence: Dive into a semester of engaging classes and thought-provoking discussions.
  • Cultural Celebrations: Experience a diverse array of cultural events and festivals that showcase our vibrant campus community.
  • Research Opportunities: Collaborate with faculty on groundbreaking research projects and gain valuable hands-on experience.
  • Career Fairs: Network with potential employers, explore career paths, and get a head start on your job search.
  • Internship Programs: Gain real-world experience and boost your resume with internships in various fields.
  • Beachside Adventures: Enjoy the sun, sand, and surf at Long Beach’s iconic beaches, just a short walk from campus.

And that’s just a taste of what the CSULB Fall 2024 Calendar has in store for you. Get ready for a transformative semester filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences.

Academic Excellence: Dive into a semester of engaging classes and thought-provoking discussions.

At CSULB, we’re committed to providing an exceptional academic experience that challenges and inspires our students. Our Fall 2024 calendar is packed with a diverse range of courses taught by renowned faculty members who are experts in their fields.

Whether you’re passionate about science, arts, business, or anything in between, you’ll find classes that ignite your curiosity and push you to think critically. Our dedicated professors are committed to creating a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to engage in lively discussions, ask questions, and explore new ideas.

Beyond traditional lectures, CSULB offers a variety of innovative learning opportunities. Participate in hands-on research projects, collaborate with classmates on creative assignments, and embark on field trips that bring your studies to life. Our goal is to foster a love of learning that extends far beyond the classroom.

The Fall 2024 calendar also features a series of guest lectures, workshops, and seminars led by industry leaders, scholars, and artists. These events provide a unique chance to learn from experts in various fields and gain new perspectives on the world around you.

With its emphasis on academic excellence and commitment to student success, CSULB’s Fall 2024 calendar promises a transformative semester of intellectual growth and personal development.

Cultural Celebrations: Experience a diverse array of cultural events and festivals that showcase our vibrant campus community.

CSULB is a melting pot of cultures, and our Fall 2024 calendar is brimming with events that celebrate the rich diversity of our campus community. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of vibrant traditions, delicious cuisines, and captivating performances.

  • International Festival: Embark on a global adventure without leaving campus. This annual festival showcases the unique cultures of countries from around the world through food, music, dance, and interactive exhibits.
  • Powwow: Experience the beauty and traditions of Native American culture at our annual powwow. Witness stunning dance performances, listen to captivating stories, and learn about the rich history of the indigenous peoples of this land.
  • Lunar New Year Celebration: Ring in the new year with a vibrant celebration of Asian culture. Enjoy traditional lion dances, sample delicious Asian cuisine, and participate in fun activities that honor this special occasion.
  • Holi Festival of Colors: Get ready for a vibrant and joyous celebration of spring at our Holi festival. Dance to the rhythm of Bollywood music, indulge in delicious Indian delicacies, and shower each other with colorful powders, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

These are just a few examples of the many cultural celebrations that await you at CSULB. Our campus is a microcosm of the world, and we encourage our students to embrace the diversity that surrounds them. By participating in these events, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for different cultures, make new friends from all walks of life, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Research Opportunities: Collaborate with faculty on groundbreaking research projects and gain valuable hands-on experience.

At CSULB, we believe that research is not just for professors in ivory towers. We offer a wide range of opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to get involved in cutting-edge research projects alongside our world-renowned faculty.

Whether you’re passionate about science, social sciences, humanities, or anything in between, you’ll find research opportunities that align with your interests and career aspirations. Our faculty members are actively engaged in groundbreaking research that is making a real difference in the world, and they are eager to share their knowledge and expertise with students.

As a research assistant, you’ll have the chance to work closely with faculty mentors, conduct your own research, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your chosen field. You’ll gain valuable hands-on experience that will prepare you for a successful career in academia, industry, or government.

Some examples of research projects that CSULB students have been involved in include:

  • Developing new materials for use in solar cells
  • Studying the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of different teaching methods
  • Creating new drugs to treat diseases
  • Exploring the history and culture of underrepresented communities

These are just a few examples of the many research opportunities available to CSULB students. If you’re passionate about making a difference in the world, we encourage you to get involved in research and discover your potential as a scholar.

Career Fairs: Network with potential employers, explore career paths, and get a head start on your job search.

The CSULB Fall 2024 calendar is packed with career fairs and networking events designed to help you prepare for your future career. These events provide an invaluable opportunity to connect with potential employers, learn about different career paths, and get a head start on your job search.

  • Fall Career Expo: This large-scale career fair attracts hundreds of employers from a wide range of industries. It’s a great chance to meet with recruiters, learn about job openings, and get your resume noticed.
  • Specialized Career Fairs: Throughout the semester, CSULB also hosts specialized career fairs for specific industries, such as engineering, business, and health sciences. These fairs allow you to connect with employers who are specifically looking for candidates with your skills and experience.
  • Networking Events: CSULB’s Career Center hosts a variety of networking events throughout the year, including industry panels, meet-and-greets, and alumni mixers. These events provide a relaxed setting to meet with professionals in your field of interest, learn about their career paths, and get advice on how to succeed.
  • Mock Interviews and Resume Reviews: The Career Center also offers mock interviews and resume reviews to help you prepare for the job search process. These services are a great way to get feedback on your resume and interviewing skills and to increase your confidence before you start applying for jobs.

Taking advantage of the career fairs and networking events offered at CSULB is a smart move for any student who wants to get a head start on their job search. These events can help you explore different career options, make valuable connections, and land your dream job after graduation.

Internship Programs: Gain real-world experience and boost your resume with internships in various fields.

CSULB offers a wide range of internship programs that allow students to gain valuable real-world experience in their chosen field of study. Internships are a great way to apply the knowledge and skills you’ve learned in the classroom, explore different career paths, and make connections that can help you land a job after graduation.

  • On-Campus Internships: CSULB partners with local businesses and organizations to offer on-campus internships that allow students to work closely with professionals in their field. These internships are a convenient way to gain experience while still attending school.
  • Off-Campus Internships: CSULB also encourages students to seek out off-campus internships that align with their interests and career goals. The Career Center provides resources and support to help students find internship opportunities that match their skills and aspirations.
  • Internship Fairs: Throughout the year, CSULB hosts internship fairs where students can meet with representatives from various companies and organizations to learn about internship opportunities and apply for positions.
  • Academic Internships: Some CSULB departments offer academic internships that allow students to earn academic credit for their internship experience. This is a great way to combine your academic studies with real-world experience.

Participating in an internship program is a smart move for any student who wants to gain a competitive edge in the job market. Internships can help you develop skills that employers are looking for, build your network, and get a foot in the door of your chosen field.

Beachside Adventures: Enjoy the sun, sand, and surf at Long Beach’s iconic beaches, just a short walk from campus.

One of the best things about CSULB is its location. Our campus is situated just a short walk from some of Long Beach’s most iconic beaches, including Belmont Shore, Alamitos Beach, and Huntington Beach. This means that you can easily escape the books and enjoy the sun, sand, and surf whenever you need a break from studying.

  • Swimming and Surfing: Long Beach’s beaches offer a variety of waves, making them perfect for both swimming and surfing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced surfer, you’ll find a spot to catch some waves.
  • Sunbathing and Relaxing: If you prefer to relax and soak up the sun, there are plenty of sandy beaches where you can spread out a towel and work on your tan. You can also rent a beach chair or umbrella if you want to be extra comfortable.
  • Beach Volleyball and Other Activities: Many of Long Beach’s beaches have volleyball nets set up, making it easy to join a game or start your own. You can also rent kayaks, paddleboards, and other water sports equipment to enjoy the ocean in a different way.
  • Exploring the Beach Towns: Long Beach is home to several charming beach towns, each with its own unique atmosphere. You can spend an afternoon exploring the shops, restaurants, and attractions in Belmont Shore, Alamitos Beach, or Huntington Beach.

With its beautiful beaches, mild climate, and variety of activities, Long Beach is the perfect place to enjoy a day of fun and relaxation. So be sure to take advantage of our beachside location and make the most of your time at CSULB!


Have questions about the CSULB Fall 2024 Calendar? We’ve got answers! Check out our FAQ section for quick and easy information about key dates, events, and opportunities.

Question 1: When does the Fall 2024 semester start and end?
Answer 1: The Fall 2024 semester begins on August 26, 2024 and ends on December 12, 2024.

Question 2: What are some important academic dates to keep in mind?
Answer 2: Some important academic dates to keep in mind include the first day of classes (August 26), the last day to add/drop classes (September 2), the midterm exam period (October 14-18), and the final exam period (December 9-12).

Question 3: Are there any special events or programs happening during the Fall 2024 semester?
Answer 3: Yes, there are many special events and programs happening during the Fall 2024 semester, including the Fall Career Expo, the International Festival, and the Lunar New Year Celebration.

Question 4: How can I get involved in research opportunities at CSULB?
Answer 4: CSULB offers a wide range of research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. You can learn more about these opportunities by visiting the Office of Research and Creative Activity website or by talking to your professors.

Question 5: What career fairs and networking events will be held during the Fall 2024 semester?
Answer 5: CSULB will host several career fairs and networking events during the Fall 2024 semester, including the Fall Career Expo, the Engineering Career Fair, and the Business Career Fair. You can find a complete list of events on the Career Center website.

Question 6: How can I take advantage of the beachside location of CSULB?
Answer 6: CSULB’s location just a short walk from Long Beach’s iconic beaches offers many opportunities to enjoy the sun, sand, and surf. You can go swimming, surfing, sunbathing, or simply relax on the beach. You can also explore the charming beach towns of Belmont Shore, Alamitos Beach, and Huntington Beach.

We hope this FAQ section has answered your questions about the CSULB Fall 2024 Calendar. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of the Registrar or visit the CSULB website.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ section, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Fall 2024 semester at CSULB:


Here are four tips to help you make the most of your Fall 2024 semester at CSULB:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead and Create a Schedule

Take some time before the semester starts to plan out your schedule and set goals for yourself. This will help you stay organized and on track throughout the semester. Be sure to include time for classes, studying, extracurricular activities, and personal time.

Tip 2: Get Involved on Campus

CSULB offers a wide range of student organizations, clubs, and activities. Getting involved on campus is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and explore your interests. It’s also a great way to get involved in your community and make a difference.

Tip 3: Take Advantage of Academic Resources

CSULB offers a variety of academic resources to help students succeed. These resources include tutoring, writing centers, and math labs. If you’re struggling with a class or need extra help, don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance.

Tip 4: Enjoy the Beachside Location

One of the best things about CSULB is its location just a short walk from Long Beach’s iconic beaches. Take advantage of this by spending time outdoors, enjoying the sun and sand, and exploring the charming beach towns nearby.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your Fall 2024 semester at CSULB and set yourself up for success.

With its academic excellence, vibrant campus community, and beautiful beachside location, CSULB is the perfect place to pursue your educational goals. We hope you’ll join us in Fall 2024 and experience all that CSULB has to offer.


As the Fall 2024 semester approaches, we hope you’re excited to embark on a new chapter in your academic journey at CSULB. The Fall 2024 calendar is packed with opportunities for you to learn, grow, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Whether you’re passionate about academics, research, career development, or simply enjoying the beachside lifestyle, CSULB has something for everyone. With its diverse range of courses, vibrant campus community, and beautiful location, CSULB is the perfect place to pursue your educational goals and achieve your full potential.

We encourage you to take advantage of all that CSULB has to offer. Get involved in extracurricular activities, explore research opportunities, network with potential employers, and make the most of our beautiful beachside location. By doing so, you’ll create an unforgettable college experience that will prepare you for success in your chosen field and in life.

We look forward to welcoming you to CSULB in Fall 2024. Let’s make it a year to remember!

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