Mid Autumn Festival 2024: A time for celebration and togetherness


Mid Autumn Festival 2024: A time for celebration and togetherness

The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival or Zhongqiu Jie, is one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendar. It is a time for family gatherings, feasting, and celebrating the harvest. This year, the festival will be celebrated on September 10, 2024.

The Mid Autumn Festival has a long and rich history. It is said to date back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). During this time, the festival was celebrated as a way to give thanks to the moon goddess, Chang’e, for providing a bountiful harvest. Today, the festival is still celebrated as a way to give thanks for the harvest, but it is also a time for family and friends to come together and enjoy each other’s company.

As we approach the Mid Autumn Festival 2024, it’s time to start planning for this special occasion. Whether you’re looking for ideas on how to celebrate with your family and friends or you’re simply curious about the festival’s history and traditions, this article has got you covered. We’ll provide you with all the information you need to make the most of this special time of year.

Mid Autumn Festival 2024

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family, feasting, and celebration.

  • Date: September 10, 2024
  • Also known as: Mooncake Festival
  • Celebrates: Harvest, family, and unity
  • Family gatherings: Reunion dinners
  • Traditional food: Mooncakes
  • Activities: Lantern viewing, fire dragon dances
  • Mooncakes: Sweet pastries with various fillings
  • Lanterns: Illuminate the night sky
  • Fire dragon dances: Colorful and energetic performances
  • Legends and stories: Chang’e, Jade Rabbit

The Mid Autumn Festival is a vibrant and joyous occasion, filled with delicious food, exciting activities, and meaningful traditions. Whether you’re celebrating with family and friends or simply enjoying the festive atmosphere, there’s something for everyone at the Mid Autumn Festival.

Date: September 10, 2024

The Mid Autumn Festival 2024 will be celebrated on September 10, 2024. This date is determined by the lunar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon. The Mid Autumn Festival always falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, which typically corresponds to a date in September or early October on the Gregorian calendar.

In 2024, the Mid Autumn Festival will fall on a Tuesday. This means that many people will have a long weekend to enjoy the festival festivities. Schools and businesses may be closed, and there will be special events and activities held throughout the country.

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions and gatherings. People travel from all over to spend time with their loved ones and celebrate the festival together. It is also a time for feasting and enjoying delicious food, such as mooncakes and other traditional delicacies.

The Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and festive occasion that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a time to celebrate the harvest, family, and unity.

If you are planning to travel to China during the Mid Autumn Festival, it is important to book your tickets and accommodation in advance. This is a popular time to travel, so prices may be higher than usual.

Also known as: Mooncake Festival

The Mid Autumn Festival is also commonly known as the Mooncake Festival. This name comes from the tradition of eating mooncakes during the festival.

  • Mooncakes:

    Mooncakes are sweet pastries with various fillings, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and duck eggs. They are typically round or square, and they are often stamped with auspicious designs or characters.

  • Symbolism:

    Mooncakes are said to symbolize the moon, which is a symbol of unity and completeness. They are also a symbol of the harvest, as the Mid Autumn Festival marks the end of the harvest season.

  • Family and togetherness:

    Mooncakes are often shared among family and friends during the Mid Autumn Festival. This symbolizes the importance of family and togetherness.

  • Popular flavors:

    Some of the most popular mooncake flavors include lotus seed paste with salted egg yolks, red bean paste, and mixed nuts. There are also many new and innovative mooncake flavors available, such as ice cream mooncakes and chocolate mooncakes.

Mooncakes are a delicious and important part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. They are a symbol of family, togetherness, and the harvest.

Celebrates: Harvest, family, and unity

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time to celebrate the harvest, family, and unity.


  • The Mid Autumn Festival marks the end of the harvest season in China. It is a time to give thanks for the bountiful harvest and to celebrate the hard work of the farmers.
  • During the festival, people often decorate their homes with fruits, vegetables, and other symbols of the harvest.
  • Traditional foods eaten during the festival, such as mooncakes and pomegranates, also symbolize the harvest.


  • The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions. People travel from all over to spend time with their loved ones and celebrate the festival together.
  • Family gatherings are often held during the festival, and people enjoy sharing meals, playing games, and telling stories.
  • The Mid Autumn Festival is also a time to honor ancestors. People often visit the graves of their ancestors and offer them food and flowers.


  • The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for unity, both within families and within the community as a whole.
  • People come together to celebrate the festival, regardless of their differences. This is a time to put aside any conflicts and to focus on the things that unite us.
  • The Mid Autumn Festival is also a time to celebrate the unity of China. The festival is celebrated by people all over the country, from the north to the south, from the east to the west.

The Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and meaningful festival that celebrates the harvest, family, and unity. It is a time for people to come together and enjoy each other’s company.

Family gatherings: Reunion dinners

Family gatherings are an important part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. On the evening of the festival, families come together for a reunion dinner. This is a special meal that is often more elaborate than usual. Traditional dishes served at reunion dinners include mooncakes, roast duck, and pomegranates.

Reunion dinners are a time for family members to catch up with each other and to share news. They are also a time to honor ancestors and to celebrate the family’s unity.

  • Reunion dinner traditions:
    • In some parts of China, it is customary to set an extra place at the table for deceased ancestors.
    • Families may also offer food and flowers to their ancestors at the family altar.
    • After dinner, family members often gather around to tell stories, play games, or simply enjoy each other’s company.
  • Reunion dinner etiquette:
    • It is considered polite to arrive on time for the reunion dinner.
    • Elders are typically served first.
    • It is considered rude to talk about business or other serious matters during the dinner.
  • Reunion dinner menu:
    • Traditional reunion dinner dishes vary from region to region in China.
    • Some common dishes include roast duck, steamed fish, pork ribs, and mooncakes.
    • Many families also serve a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Reunion dinners are a cherished tradition of the Mid Autumn Festival. They are a time for family members to come together, to celebrate the festival, and to honor their ancestors.

Traditional food: Mooncakes

Mooncakes are a traditional food eaten during the Mid Autumn Festival. They are sweet pastries with various fillings, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and duck eggs. Mooncakes are typically round or square, and they are often stamped with auspicious designs or characters.

Mooncakes are said to symbolize the moon, which is a symbol of unity and completeness. They are also a symbol of the harvest, as the Mid Autumn Festival marks the end of the harvest season.

  • Types of mooncakes:
    • There are many different types of mooncakes available, each with its own unique flavor and texture.
    • Some of the most popular types of mooncakes include:
      • Cantonese-style mooncakes: These mooncakes have a thin, flaky pastry and a sweet, dense filling.
      • Suzhou-style mooncakes: These mooncakes have a thick, chewy pastry and a sweet, savory filling.
      • Beijing-style mooncakes: These mooncakes have a crispy pastry and a sweet, nutty filling.
  • Mooncake fillings:
    • Mooncakes can be filled with a variety of different ingredients, including:
      • Lotus seed paste
      • Red bean paste
      • Duck eggs
      • Mixed nuts
      • Fruits, such as jujubes and raisins
  • Mooncake symbolism:
    • Mooncakes are often decorated with auspicious symbols, such as the Chinese characters for “longevity” or “harmony”.
    • The round shape of mooncakes also symbolizes unity and completeness.

Mooncakes are a delicious and important part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. They are a symbol of family, togetherness, and the harvest.

Activities: Lantern viewing, fire dragon dances

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for celebration and festivities. There are many different activities that people enjoy during the festival, including lantern viewing, fire dragon dances, and lion dances.

  • Lantern viewing:

    Lantern viewing is a popular activity during the Mid Autumn Festival. People of all ages enjoy carrying lanterns and watching the colorful displays.

  • Fire dragon dances:

    Fire dragon dances are another popular activity during the Mid Autumn Festival. These dances are performed by teams of people who manipulate long, colorful dragons made of paper and bamboo. The dragons are lit from the inside, creating a dazzling display.

  • Lion dances:

    Lion dances are also popular during the Mid Autumn Festival. These dances are performed by teams of people who wear lion costumes. The lions dance to the beat of drums and cymbals, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

  • Other activities:

    Other popular activities during the Mid Autumn Festival include:

    • Watching fireworks
    • Playing games, such as mahjong and poker
    • Singing and dancing
    • Eating mooncakes and other traditional foods

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for joy and celebration. There are many different activities that people can enjoy during the festival, both traditional and modern.

Mooncakes: Sweet pastries with various fillings

Mooncakes are sweet pastries that are traditionally eaten during the Mid Autumn Festival. They are typically round or square, and they are often stamped with auspicious designs or characters.

Mooncakes are made from a variety of ingredients, including flour, sugar, oil, and water. They are then filled with a variety of sweet or savory fillings, such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, duck eggs, and mixed nuts.

  • Types of mooncake fillings:
    • There are many different types of mooncake fillings available, each with its own unique flavor and texture.
    • Some of the most popular types of mooncake fillings include:
      • Lotus seed paste: This is a classic mooncake filling that is made from lotus seeds that have been cooked and mashed into a smooth paste.
      • Red bean paste: This is another popular mooncake filling that is made from red beans that have been cooked and mashed into a smooth paste.
      • Duck eggs: This is a unique mooncake filling that is made from salted duck eggs. The eggs are typically cured for several weeks before they are used in mooncakes.
      • Mixed nuts: This is a mooncake filling that is made from a variety of nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, and peanuts.
  • Mooncake crust:
    • The mooncake crust is typically made from a combination of flour, sugar, oil, and water.
    • The crust can be thin and flaky, or it can be thick and chewy.
    • Some mooncakes also have a layer of egg wash or sesame seeds on top.
  • Mooncake designs:
    • Mooncakes are often stamped with auspicious designs or characters.
    • Some common designs include the Chinese characters for “longevity” or “harmony”.
    • Other popular designs include flowers, animals, and landscapes.

Mooncakes are a delicious and important part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. They are a symbol of family, togetherness, and the harvest.

Lanterns: Illuminate the night sky

Lanterns are a popular symbol of the Mid Autumn Festival. They are used to illuminate the night sky and to create a festive atmosphere.

There are many different types of lanterns used during the Mid Autumn Festival. Some of the most popular types include:

  • Sky lanterns:
    • Sky lanterns are also known as flying lanterns or fire balloons.
    • They are made of thin paper and bamboo, and they are lit from the inside with a small candle.
    • When the candle is lit, the lantern rises into the sky, creating a beautiful and magical sight.
  • Paper lanterns:
    • Paper lanterns are made of colorful paper and bamboo.
    • They are often decorated with auspicious designs or characters.
    • Paper lanterns are hung from trees, buildings, and other structures.
  • Electric lanterns:
    • Electric lanterns are becoming increasingly popular, especially in urban areas.
    • They are safer and more environmentally friendly than traditional lanterns.
    • Electric lanterns can be used to create elaborate displays, such as light shows and parades.

Lanterns are a beautiful and festive part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. They illuminate the night sky and create a magical atmosphere.

In addition to the traditional lanterns mentioned above, there are also many modern and creative ways to use lanterns during the Mid Autumn Festival. For example, some people like to use LED lanterns or solar-powered lanterns. Others like to create their own lanterns using recycled materials.

Fire dragon dances: Colorful and energetic performances

Fire dragon dances are a popular form of entertainment during the Mid Autumn Festival. These dances are performed by teams of people who manipulate long, colorful dragons made of paper and bamboo. The dragons are lit from the inside, creating a dazzling display.

  • Origins of fire dragon dances:
    • Fire dragon dances are believed to have originated in ancient China as a way to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.
    • The dragons are often decorated with auspicious symbols, such as the Chinese characters for “longevity” or “harmony”.
  • How fire dragon dances are performed:
    • Fire dragon dances are typically performed by teams of 10 to 20 people.
    • Each person holds a section of the dragon, and they move the dragon in a fluid and graceful manner.
    • The dragons are often accompanied by drums, cymbals, and other musical instruments.
  • Types of fire dragon dances:
    • There are many different types of fire dragon dances, each with its own unique style and movements.
    • Some of the most popular types of fire dragon dances include:
      • The Southern Dragon Dance: This is a fast-paced and energetic dance that is characterized by its acrobatic movements.
      • The Northern Dragon Dance: This is a slower and more graceful dance that is characterized by its long, flowing movements.
      • The Kwangtung Dragon Dance: This is a unique type of fire dragon dance that is performed with two dragons. The dragons are often intertwined and they move in a synchronized manner.

Fire dragon dances are a beautiful and exciting part of the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. They are a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and they are enjoyed by people of all ages.

Legends and stories: Chang’e, Jade Rabbit

The Mid Autumn Festival is associated with a number of legends and stories. Two of the most popular stories are the stories of Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit.


  • Chang’e is a beautiful goddess who is said to live on the moon.
  • According to legend, Chang’e stole an elixir of immortality from her husband, Houyi, and flew to the moon.
  • Houyi was heartbroken, and he vowed to never drink the elixir of immortality.
  • Chang’e is often depicted as a lonely and sorrowful figure who longs to return to Earth.

Jade Rabbit:

  • The Jade Rabbit is a companion to Chang’e on the moon.
  • According to legend, the Jade Rabbit was once a mortal who was punished by the gods and sent to the moon.
  • The Jade Rabbit is often depicted as a white rabbit that is pounding herbs with a pestle and mortar.
  • It is said that the Jade Rabbit is making the elixir of immortality for Chang’e.

The stories of Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit are often told during the Mid Autumn Festival. These stories remind people of the importance of family and togetherness, and they also symbolize the hope for immortality.

In addition to the stories of Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit, there are many other legends and stories associated with the Mid Autumn Festival. These stories often involve themes of family, love, and reunion.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Mid Autumn Festival 2024:

Question 1: When is the Mid Autumn Festival 2024?
Answer 1: The Mid Autumn Festival 2024 will be celebrated on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Question 2: What are the dates for the Mid Autumn Festival 2024 holiday?
Answer 2: The Mid Autumn Festival 2024 holiday will be from Tuesday, September 10, 2024 to Thursday, September 12, 2024.

Question 3: What are some popular activities during the Mid Autumn Festival?
Answer 3: Some popular activities during the Mid Autumn Festival include family gatherings, mooncake eating, lantern viewing, and fire dragon dances.

Question 4: What is the significance of the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival?
Answer 4: The moon is a symbol of unity, completeness, and family during the Mid Autumn Festival.

Question 5: What are some popular mooncake flavors?
Answer 5: Some popular mooncake flavors include lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and duck eggs.

Question 6: What are some popular activities for children during the Mid Autumn Festival?
Answer 6: Some popular activities for children during the Mid Autumn Festival include carrying lanterns, watching fire dragon dances, and eating mooncakes.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about the Mid Autumn Festival?
Answer 7: You can find more information about the Mid Autumn Festival online, at your local library, or at your local Chinese cultural center.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the Mid Autumn Festival 2024. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.

In addition to the FAQ above, here are some tips for celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival 2024:


Here are some tips for celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival 2024:

Tip 1: Plan ahead:

  • The Mid Autumn Festival is a popular time to travel, so it’s important to book your tickets and accommodation in advance.
  • If you are planning to host a Mid Autumn Festival gathering, start planning your menu and guest list early.

Tip 2: Decorate your home:

  • Create a festive atmosphere in your home by hanging lanterns, putting up moon-themed decorations, and displaying mooncakes.
  • You can also make your own paper lanterns or mooncake decorations with your family.

Tip 3: Prepare traditional foods:

  • The Mid Autumn Festival is a time to enjoy traditional foods, such as mooncakes, pomegranates, and duck eggs.
  • If you are feeling adventurous, you can try making your own mooncakes at home.

Tip 4: Attend Mid Autumn Festival events:

  • Many cities and towns host Mid Autumn Festival events, such as lantern viewing parties, fire dragon dances, and mooncake festivals.
  • Check your local listings or online for a schedule of events in your area.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

We hope these tips help you celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival 2024 in a fun and meaningful way.

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family, feasting, and celebration. We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating this special festival with your loved ones.


The Mid Autumn Festival 2024 is a time to celebrate the harvest, family, and unity. It is a time to come together with loved ones and enjoy each other’s company.

The festival is celebrated with a variety of activities, including family gatherings, mooncake eating, lantern viewing, and fire dragon dances. It is also a time to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the future.

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the Mid Autumn Festival 2024. We encourage you to learn more about this special festival and to celebrate it with your loved ones.

Closing Message:

We wish you a happy and prosperous Mid Autumn Festival 2024!

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